неділю, 24 липня 2016 р.

"5 hours a day" keeps pressure away

A common question raised by customer-side management:

  • How to control software engineers? 
  • How I, as a customer who pays huge bags of cash per hour to this hippies, can really know that they are not cheating me watching youtube half a day?

But even if the question is not asked explicitly, does not mean nobody has doubts alike. 

I worked in various environments. Let me review the most common solutions and their pros and cons.

пʼятницю, 22 липня 2016 р.

Tester's mental "try ... catch"

Once this blog post http://www.inspiredtester.com/inspired-tester-blog/process-metrics-and-the-impact-of-context (and maybe a little bit of Jerry Weinberg's ideas) inspired me to this thoughts.

People like their "status Quo". They don't like to act. Every their action is forced by change. The change may be in outside, in circumstances; and it may be in themself. Changing the way one acts too is a reaction to different changes one experiences.

Applying this to the Software Testing, an experienced user becomes a tester, when they react not directly to external changes, but to the internal feelings induced by external changes. Establishing some kind of "try - catch" block for distractions in their brain. Instead of (or additionally to) just shouting out loud that "This piece of software does not work!", the tester asks themself: "What causes my such a reaction?" and puts the answer to the Bug Report title.

пʼятницю, 15 липня 2016 р.

Agility of "agile"

As for me, currently a "new renaissance" of Agile (with capital "A") followers is going on. With their not getting the spirit of agile manifesto, but just following "best" practices and rules from some guide books, not regarding the reality, context and consequences of their deeds. (It may be connected to the new generation of IT employees stepping on the scene.)

That's why it's great that there appear new posts on this subject, trying to educate people about the difference between "agile" and "Agile".
Here is a post I liked recently from Yegor Bugayenko: 12 Mistakes in Agile Manifesto.

Гнучкість "гнучкості"

Мені здається, зараз відбувається якесь "нове відродження" адептів Agile (з великої літери) - людей, що не розуміють дух agile manifesto, а лише намагаються слідувати книжковим правилам без огляду на дійсність та результати своїх дій. (Це може бути пов’язано із черговою великою хвилею "нових айтішників".)

І от як раз нагодився текст Єгора Бугаєнка: 12 помилок Agile маніфеста (12 Mistakes in Agile Manifesto).

В житті цих помилок, звісно ж, не 12, бо кожен із постулатів Agile Маніфеста може мати безліч неправильних інтерпретацій :-)